Top 3 Pages of Chinavasion: Where to Find the Hot Products (Part I)

When buyers successfully subscribed the newsletters to Chinavasion, they will receive the first email from the China electronic wholesale online marketplace informing how to get started on the website. In particular, the email lists the links of the top 3 pages of Chinavasion: Hot Products, Latest Products, and Specials. You can access these 3 pages simply by clicking the links. But how to enter into these pages from the homepage of Chinavasion?

For new users, it would be rather tricky to find these pages on the homepage. To help buyers get a better understanding of these pages, we intend to give a brief introduction to the entries and basic information about these pages. And we start from the ‘Hot Product’ page in this post.

After you arrive at, find the ‘BROWSE BY CATEGORIES’ area on the left side of the homepage. Then roll down to the bottom of the area, and you will find the ‘Hot Products!’ button there. Here, from the perspective of user experience, we think the ‘Hot Products’ button should be placed at a better position, for example, as a button of the navigation bar located on the top of the homepage. We all know that, both new buyers and old buyers are particularly interested in hot products offered by China wholesale websites like Chinavasion. Therefore, it is really important to put the entry of the page in an eye-catching or to-be-easily-found place. Anyway, before Chinavasion improves the user experience in this regard, buyers need to get into the ‘Hot Products’ page by clicking the button at the bottom of the ‘BROWSE BY CATEGORIES’ area.

chinavasion Hot Products

There on the ‘Hot Products’ page, you will find a list of 45 hottest products recommend by the Chinavasion team. Each item is listed with a picture, a brief description, a single unit price and rating stars. To know detailed information about the products, click links for those products. Then you will see more specific descriptions about the products including the different wholesale prices base on order size, reviews left by other buyers and quantity option for your order, etc.

Chinavasion Hot Products Page:
chinavasion Hot Products Page

Chinavasion Hot Products Description Page:

chinavasion hot products description

To get more information about the ‘Hot Products’ page, you can go visit

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