A Store to Buy Designer and Celebrity Inspired Bags at Super Cheap Prices

Just as its name indicates, is a shopping destination for all kinds of bags. If you are looking for fashionable handbags, purses, wallets, shoulder bags, totes, clutches, evening bags, top handle bags, cross-body bags or messengers, satchels or backpacks, you will find tons of styles to choose from there.

Skull Knuckle Box Clutch

The bags available at are designed based on the latest trends dominating the high streets. Note that they are not genuine designer handbags for which we need to pay thousands of dollars or even more. They are technically copies of the name brand bags though the store might have kept the infringement problems within the gray area by adding some variations. Anyway, don’t be naïve to believe that they are designer bags. As always, when we see something too good to be true, they are probably not true. All bags do not have any logos and with some minor differences, they are actually not exactly the same as the original ones.

From my personal angle, the site should be particularly suitable for those who love high-end handbags with superior designs and great quality but don’t think it necessary to invest such big money in a luxury designer bag. Most of the trendy bags for sale at the site are priced at between $30 and $200. Plus, they offer free shipping for orders of $99.

They claim that the images of the products there are all shot based on the actual finished products. From the pictures, it seems the fabrics used are quite good. Generally, we can instantly tell whether the quality is good or not from the looks though misconception may occur. To test the actual quality of the bags, you might need to buy one and check every detail in person.

Though retail business is their major revenue earner, they also take care of wholesale orders and you can get lower prices for bulk orders. Besides, they also provide drop-shipping service. Click here to learn more details.

Nevertheless, if you never shop there before, I won’t encourage you to place a big order no matter how attractive the wholesale price is. Start with a small order to test everything, especially the quality and the reliability of the store. What’s more importantly, remember to use a safer payment option like Paypal or credit card to best ensure shopping security. Don’t go for Western Union if possible.

Cheap Trendy Celebrity Bags

I learnt from online service representative that you can take advantage of the coupon code “BAGLUV” to get 10% off first order of whatever size. If you happen to decide to buy a bag there, just try this discount code to get the price reduced.

Finally, I would like to emphasis that the comprehensive review of, the China-based online store of fashion designer or celebrity style bags, is composed based on my research only. I myself never buy anything from the shopping site.

Should you have any reviews, ratings, comments or discussions about such as Baginc good reviews, Baginc bad reviews, Baginc scams or Baginc complaints, feel free to leave your comment below. Note that the comments will go through my moderation to avoid spam and it probably will take a while for me to approve it.

One thought on “ A Store to Buy Designer and Celebrity Inspired Bags at Super Cheap Prices”

  1. BagInc SCAMMED me of my money.

    I placed an paid for a bag from on August. For a few months, BagInc kept telling me that the bag I ordered is suddenly unavailable and that I would have to wait. After waiting for over 4 months and still no bag, I demanded a refund.

    Till today (December), I still have not received a refund from them. They just keep telling me that they will update me about my refund once they can, but it has been dragging on for SO LONG it is ridiculous.

    Besides this company being such a HUGE SCAM and basically stealing my money, I also highly suspect that this “company” is run by on 1 or 2 people. That’s because I have requested to talk with someone else other than this Marvie person about my refund and my bag but the only person who ever replies to me is this Marvie person. I’m also starting to doubt that that’s his/her real name. I have also PM-ed BagInc on their Facebook page since their customer service is useless, but they have ignored my Facebook message (but still keep updating their Facebook page as per normal).

    This is very disappointing because if you search online, you would see a lot of sponsored blog posts or videos about BagInc. So naturally, a normal customer like me would think that BagInc is a very trustworthy company since these public figures were reviewing them and saying good things about them. However, it is not just me who’s being scammed. I’ve read a few reviews online and even saw a lot of Facebook posts from other customers like me about how they have waited and are still waiting for MONTHS for their order to reach them or how BagInc doesn’t refund them their money after they send back their order.

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